Brownie Day

Not that an excuse is really needed, but Brownie Day is a great chance to bake a batch of luxurious chocolate brownies. Serve them up with cream, ice cream, toasted nuts or any of your favourite little luxuries to make it a perfect moment!

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Maple Syrup Day
Pancake Day, let’s face it, is mostly an excuse to have Maple Syrup. So let’s dispense with the charade and get down to it – Maple Syrup Day is the real deal, and a great excuse to consume it by the glassful!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
World Lupus Day
World Lupus Day aims to raise awareness of a disease that is little known, but can have devastating effects on sufferers and their families. Lupis is a chronic disease that causes the immune system to become overactive, creating antibodies that attack healthy tissue. Lupus can cause pain, inflammation and damage in any part of the […]
World Bartender Day
The bartender is everyone’s favourite person on a night out. They will keep you well supplied in beverages â?? probably of an alcoholic variety – at any bar or pub you happen to visit, as long as you have enough money and arenâ??t too drunk to be served!World Bartender Day is the day to appreciate […]
palm trees near projection screen during nighttime
Drive-In Movie Day
June 6th is Drive-In Movie Day, a nostalgic celebration of outdoor cinema. This day commemorates the classic American pastime of watching movies under the stars from the comfort of your car.

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