Roof Over Your Head Day

Many of us take for granted the fact that we have shelter readily available, and that we can choose to spend time indoors under a solid roof to avoid wet or unpleasant weather. Roof Over Your Head Day draws attention to those who are not so fortunate, and reminds us to be appreciative of the little luxuries we enjoy.

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Plan Your Epitaph Day
When : Always April 6th Plan Your Epitaph Day is a day is a little bit morbid for my liking. My first thought was who would create this day? And, why? I don't want to think about it, let alone plan it. However............. When you stop to think about it, maybe it's best if you […]
Nametag Day
Put on a nametag today and write any name you want on it
What If Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day
What If Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day prompts us to think about how our dogs and cats would cope with having opposable thumbs – let alone us!Apart from using What If Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day to celebrate our pets, it’s also an excuse to make use of Photoshop and post […]
Christmas Jumper Day
Christmas Jumper Day is an annual fundraising campaign in the UK organised by charity Save the Children. On a specific Friday in December, people are encouraged to make the world better with a sweater and raise funds for Save the Children by wearing a Christmas jumper and making a minimum donation of £1.[1][2]Those taking part […]

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