Roof Over Your Head Day

Many of us take for granted the fact that we have shelter readily available, and that we can choose to spend time indoors under a solid roof to avoid wet or unpleasant weather. Roof Over Your Head Day draws attention to those who are not so fortunate, and reminds us to be appreciative of the little luxuries we enjoy.

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Corned Beef & Cabbage Day
While a favorite of Irish-Americans, their relatives across the pond debate whether the dish is actually an Emerald Isle tradition. Source:
Cuddle Up Day
Cuddle Up Day: It’s time to make yourself a hot chocolate with plenty of marshmallows, pull on your PJs and snuggle up with a teddy bear, a good book, or maybe even another human being if you’re especially lucky.We’ve all got our personal responsibilities, from careers and family to finances and charity work, so we’re […]
Snowman Burning Day
Snowman Burning Day marks a change in seasons, and the transition from winter into spring. This is a traditional celebration by American and Swiss citizens to mark an end to winter.Why not celebrate by designing a (flammable) snowman, and inviting friends to share in the fun? Some events involve elaborate spectacles, up to and including […]
National Workplace Napping Day
Eat your lunch, then tuck-in for a nice afternoon nap