Make A Gift Day

Dull greeting cards, gift vouchers and last-minute gifts aren’t the most exciting present to receive for Christmas. Go a step further for a friend or family member, and take part in Make A Gift Day by hand-making something for someone in your life. It doesn’t matter if it’s not perfect, or if it’s not expensive – it’s the gesture that counts!

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Red Planet Day
Date When Celebrated: Always November 28th The planet Mars is referred to as the ""Red Planet"" because it appears red in color. Red Planet Day honors our celestial neighbor, the fourth planet in the solar system. Is Mars truly red in color? Scientists debated this question, even after the Mars Rovers landed and began to […]
Curmudgeons Day
Curmudgeons Day is one of those holidays most people find hard to believe is real. There’s no need to worry, though, because you don’t have to be grumpy to celebrate it.There are many schools of thought regarding Curmudgeons Day. Some say it’s a holiday where you’re supposed to stay home all day and do nothing. […]
Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day
Remember when you got your computer, and the tidy, empty desktop looked clean, productive and well-organised? Take a look now – we’re willing to bet that it’s strewn with icons that you barely ever use, that there are documents and files sprawling around folders that are in desperate need of organisation. Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day […]
Draw a Picture of a Bird Day
There's no need to be a professional artist to participate in Draw a Picture of a Bird Day! This holiday is all about having fun and enjoying the process of drawing, regardless of your level of skill. So why not take some time on November 18th to sit down with some paper and pencils (or […]

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