
You’re Welcome Day

When: Day after Thanksgiving

You're Welcome Day encourages us to simply say ""You're welcome"". It helps to put manners back into society.

This very special day comes the day after Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving Day we say ""Thanks"" for what we have.  So, it only seems natural, that ""You're Welcome"" immediately follows a thank you.

Participating in this day can happen anywhere that you are, and anywhere that you go today. Just speak a profusion of ""thank you's"" for even the slightest of  reasons. When you say thank you, make sure to be sincere. It will go a long ways.

 Are you enjoying this special day? If so, You're welcome!

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/November/yourewelcomeday.htm

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