Pins and Needles Day

Pins And Needles Day has nothing to do with tingly, itchy limbs – rather, it commemorates the opening of a historical Pro-Labor Broadway play called Pins And Needles in 1937.

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Clean Out Your Computer Day
If your computer is running slowly, if your PC fans are noisy, or if you’re experiencing crashes and poor performance, it may be that your computer is just a bit dusty.Clean Out Your Computer Day is an annual reminder to open up the casing (turn off the power first!), and to give everything a good, […]
Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
Although it has been rumored that Clean Your Refrigerator Day was started by the Whirlpool Corporation, the origin of this event is lost in the mists of time. The day is a great reminder though, that, to function effectively, our kitchen appliances should be cleaned out once in a while.Refrigerators can be one of those […]
Frozen Yogurt Day
Go for the healthy alternative, go for yogurt today
Punk for a Day Day
When : Always October 25 Punk for a Day Day is today. Are you a punk? Would you like to be one? Me neither. One might desire to be a Punk Rocker, but not literally a punk. So what then is the reason for this day!? We have absolutely no idea. And, we have found […]