Shopping Reminder Day

You’ve less than a month until Christmas, so it’s time to make sure that you’ve bought all of your gifts! If you’ve still got presents to buy, Shopping Reminder Day is a stark reminder that you’re running out of time!

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Pumpkin Cheesecake Day
When : Always October 21st National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day celebrates a delicious Fall dessert. In October, pumpkins are literally glowing. So, why not put two of your favorites together.....pumpkins and cheesecake!? They make a great dessert. They are both nutritious and healthy. Its easy to enjoy this special day. Go to a cheesecake store or […]
Square Dance Day
Date When Celebrated: Always November 29 Here's a chance to get out and ""Dosey Do"" with your partner. It's Square Dance Day! English, Irish, and Scottish settlers brought square dancing to the U.S. As it evolved in the U.S., a caller was added, to help dancers stay in step. It remains popular among southern and […]
grey metal on soil
Chocolate Day
Indulge your senses and satisfy your sweet tooth on July 7th as we celebrate Chocolate Day! Join us in savoring the rich and decadent flavors of this beloved treat that brings joy to people of all ages. Whether you prefer dark, milk, or white chocolate, this day is the perfect excuse to treat yourself and spread happiness with every bite. Dive into a world of chocolatey delights and make this Chocolate Day a truly unforgettable experience!
World Literacy Day
For the sake of the world, read today