Start Your Own Country Day

Apparently, as well as Thanksgiving today is National Start Your Own Country Day.  Letâ??s take a moment to bask in the irony that is the term â??nationalâ? in that title.


That being done, I officially declare that the title of my country is â??Bunburria.â? (Visitor visas available for those who know what that refers to.)

Official animal: Panther with dragon wings and fire-breathing ability-a Dranther

Official flower: Iris

Official motto: â??Not every mist is obscuring.â?

Official Flag: Lavender background with a gold-and-red winged Dranther breathing fire and surrounded by black swirls of smoke and symbols of the four elements in each corner

Known for: slippers  There should be a variety of all kinds of slippers, with comfort for every temperature and floor/ground surface, and a full range of decoration.


Go forth and proclaim your own country!

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All details taken directly from provider content at

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