Name Your PC Day

Chances are that you spend a lot of time at your computer, whether that’s at home, work, or on the move; in some cases probably more time than you spend with your friends, family or loved ones! Yet even with all this time together, your PC remains an anonymous stranger – seize the chance to take your relationship to the next level by giving your computer a name on Name Your PC Day.

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Look for Circles Day
When : Always November 2 Look For Circles Day  is today. Go forth, in search of circles. We suspect you will find them everywhere. Looking for circles, is a lot like swimming in a round pool. You go round and round. There's a lots of splashing. But, you don't get anywhere. Did you find lots […]
Kiss A Ginger Day
January 12th is (semi-)officially International Kiss A Ginger Day, which means every ginger person you come across on this day you must grab and plant a loving kiss onto immediately.Kiss A Ginger Day was started in 2009 by Derek Forgie as a Facebook group intended as a “karmic counter-event” to the November 2008 creation of […]
Lace Day
Lace is an incredibly versatile material, used for commonly for decoration, pillow-making and items of clothing. Lace Day aims to raise awareness of the art of lace making, and encourages you to give it a go!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Charles Dickens Day
Why not start a Dickens Novel today

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