Take a Hike Day

Take A Hike Day is either about going for an exhilarating walk, or telling somebody to get lost – we’ll leave the interpretation up to you!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/take-a-hike-day/

Used Car Day
Name Your PC Day
Chances are that you spend a lot of time at your computer, whether that’s at home, work, or on the move; in some cases probably more time than you spend with your friends, family or loved ones! Yet even with all this time together, your PC remains an anonymous stranger – seize the chance to […]
Crabmeat Day
Early crab recipes called for tiny amounts of the meat because crabs were so tough to harvest and shell. Nowadays, crabmeat comes fresh, frozen, canned or even imitation — no cracking required! Source: food.com
Plan A Solo Vacation Day
Plan a Solo Vacation Day is a celebration designed for those people who like to view the world alone. Rather than being constrained by the demands and foibles of friends and family, people like this prefer the intensity of an individual adventure.The day itself varies in actual date, but there is no doubt about the […]

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