Forget-Me-Not Day

When : Always November 10th

Forget-Me-Not Day is a day to remember family, friends, and loved ones.

People use this day to get in touch with family, friends and loved ones, especially those who we haven't seen in a while. You don't want them to forget you, do you!? This day is intended to remember the living. But, some people have used it to memorialize a loved one who is no longer with us.

Here are some great ways to celebrate National Forget Me Not Day:

  • Send Forget Me Not Day Ecards to everyone on your email address book.
  • Send Forget Me Not flowers to people you haven't seen in a while.
  • Give Forget Me Not flower seed packets to family and friends. This is very popular. The seed packets are very inexpensive and easy to mail.
  • Phone people you haven't seen in a while and wish them a happy National Forget Me Not Day. They will get the message.

Flower of the Day: Why, it's Forget-Me-Nuts....of course!!

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