Area Code Day

Whilst area codes certainly aren’t as important today as they used to be – primarily due to the proliferation of mobile phones – area codes used to be a point of prestige. Area Code Day remembers a bygone era when the evolution of telephone networks meant changing numbers, changing boundary definitions, and how much your area code could affect the perception and culture of your neighbourhood.

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Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day is in recognition that everyone spills a little milk now and then. It's a day to  be optimistic, think positive, look on the bright side, and to find something good in everything that happens. As the song says: Don't Worry, be Happy! Today is a day to recognize that […]
Gumdrop Day
Gummy, chewy, tasty sweets are the theme of Gumdrop Day, which presents you the opportunity (or the excuse) to eat as many gumdrops as possible (within reason, with consideration for your teeth, sugar levels and general health)!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
National Cinnamon Raisin Bread Day
National Cinnamon Raisin Bread Day is celebrated annually on September 16th. This bread is often one of the most requested in bakeries across the country. Naturally sweet, the aroma created from baking this bread will make anyone drool. CELEBRATE Make or purchase some cinnamon raisin bread to enjoy and use #CinnamonRaisinBreadDay to post on social […]
Peculiar People Day
Peculiar People Day is in honor of uniquely different people. Un-ordinary, extraordinary, unusual, strange, odd, uncommon, intriguing, different, abnormal, and quirky.... These are all things that we think of to describe the word ""peculiar"". Most of these characteristics can be viewed as good, or not so good. Today is a day to look for the […]