Chaos Never Dies Day

There are, let’s face it, quite a number of days dedicated to stress relief, calmness and generally taking it easy. All of these days work on the premise that we’re too busy, too bustly, and need to step away from it all for a little while. But the world doesn’t work like that – we’re all busy, all the time, and nothing’s ever simple or quiet!

Chaos Never Dies Day takes the stance that the perfect, quiet moment we’re all striving for and anticipating doesn’t – and likely never will – exist, and that we should make the most of now, chaos-and-all, and embrace the moment.

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Namesake Day
Namesake Day encourages you to explore the roots of your name, to find out if you were named after somebody of something in particular, and to research and connect with people who share the same name as you.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Kiss Your Fiance Day
We all need a bit of romance in our lives and Kiss Your Fiancé Day is an ideal opportunity to indulge your romantic side. This special day is more than just an excuse to kiss your loved one; it’s also an opportunity to relax and unwind.Kiss Your Fiancé Day was created as a reminder to […]
Get a Different Name Day
Whether youâ??re having a bit of an identity crisis, or simply fancy confusing your friends, Get A Different Name Day is a chance to throw off the shackles of the norm and adopt a new name!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Ice Cream For Breakfast Day
Eating ice cream for breakfast is basically every little kid’s dream. Well, that and being able to have pizza for dinner every single day. But even if you aren’t 8 years old, you have to admit there’s something fun about the idea of having a big ol’ bowl of ice cream first thing in the […]

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