Deviled Egg Day

There are many ways to prepare eggs, but one of the most delicious is to make them into deviled eggs. If you haven’t tried this method before, the perfect day to start is Deviled Egg Day.

Start with a hard boiled egg, and slice it in half. Scoop out the yolk and mash it with mayonnaise and mustard. These are the two most standard ingredients for deviled eggs, but you can be as adventurous as you like. Many people add various seasonings as well, especially hot spices like cayenne or chipotle. You can add anything you like to the mix, and when you’re finished fill the eggs halves back up.

When you eat deviled eggs, you are carrying on a culinary tradition that started with the Ancient Romans. The word ‘deviled’ wasn’t used until the eighteenth century though, when it came to signify something spicy or zesty. Enjoy!

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