Zero Tasking Day

The extra hour we get when daylight savings times change is often heralded as an opportunity for extra productivity, activity and ‘doing’. However, given that we’re all already ‘owed’ an hour every other time it changes, it seems a little unfair to expect us to work through it – as such, Zero Tasking Day is designed to dedicate this hour to ‘me time'; encouraging rest, relaxation and a distinct lack of work.

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Name Yourself Day
When : Always April 9th Name Yourself Day is your chance to give yourself whatever name you'd like...for a day. If you like your name, then change your name for just today. If you don't like your name, use today to select a new name for life! Participating in Name Yourself Day is simple and […]
Go Caroling Day
Though declining in popularity, carol singing is still an important part of our cultural and social psyche. We expect carol singers to come knocking on our doors, or to go out carol singing ourselves. Buck the declining trend and organise a carol singing trip with your friends and family on Go Caroling Day.More Details...All details […]
beautiful fairy in white dress
Fairy Day
Fairy Day is a whimsical celebration of the enchanting world of fairies. It's a day to indulge in fantasy, magic, and imagination, and to appreciate the beauty of nature and the mysteries of the unseen realm.
Clam Chowder Day
Clam Chowder Day celebrates this popular broth; often made from clams, onion and potato, recipes vary by region and by country. How do you like yours?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at