National American Beer Day

Beer drinkers across the nation celebrate each October 27 as it is National American Beer Day.

There are more than 2,100 breweries that manufacture beer in the United States which range in size from industry giants to brew pubs and microbreweries.

The U.S. produced 196 million barrels of beer in 2009.
The U.S. consumes roughly 20 US gallons of beer per capita annually.
in 2008, the United States was ranked sixteenth in the world in per capita consumption, while total consumption was second only to China.
Prohibition in the early twentieth century caused nearly all American breweries to close.
After prohibition was repealed, the industry had consolidated into a small number of large-scale breweries.
The majority of the new breweries in the U.S. are small breweries and brewpubs, who as members of the Brewers Association are termed”craft breweries” to differentiate them from the larger and older breweries.
The most common style of beer produced by the big breweries is American lager.
Most of the smaller breweries, which were founded in the 1980?s, produce a range of styles.
Beer styles originating in the United States include:
American pale ale, Pennsylvania porter, American IPA, steam beer, amber ale, cream ale and Cascadian dark ale.


To celebrate National American Beer Day, enjoy your favorite American Beer. (Remember to always drink responsibly and to never drink and drive) Use #AmericanBeerDay to post on social media.

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