
Sourest Day

Life given you lemons? Sourest Day is the day to shout about it. Reserve the right to be grumpy, irratable and sour about the world and everything in it.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/sourest-day/

Chip and Dip Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 23rd National Chip and Dip Day celebrates America's favorite snack duet. If you re holding a party, it is almost certain that chips and dips are on the snack list. The only possible exclusion would be for an Ice Cream party. Important Note: National Potato Chip Day is on […]
Mischief Night
When : Always October 30th Mischief Night is today, errrr tonight! It is an evening when people traditionally participated in harmless (please) mischief. We stress harmless or innocent mischief. Other forms of mischief can lead to big trouble. Even seemingly harmless mischief can be the source of problems. This night is discouraged by law enforcement […]
Go Birding Day
Nesting in the middle of spring is a day that is dedicated to celebrating the wonderful ways of our feathery friends.If you’re a fan of cheeping, flapping, pecking and swooping, then Go Birding Day should certainly appeal.On a serious note, many of our best-loved species, such as the common house-sparrow are currently under threat, so […]
Cheese Ball Day
When : Always April 17th National Cheeseball Day is a day to stuff yourself with cheeseballs. But wait!!! What kind of cheeseball are we talking about? There's the light and airy, puffy cheeseball that you munch on for a snack by the dozens. There is also the cheeseball, often decorated with nuts, that sits on […]

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