Sourest Day

Life given you lemons? Sourest Day is the day to shout about it. Reserve the right to be grumpy, irratable and sour about the world and everything in it.

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Cook Something Bold Day
When : Always November 8th Cook Something Bold Day is today. According to it's creator,, Cook Something Bold Day is designed to encourage us to cook something bold and daring, that will fill up the house with warm, ""homey"" odors. It is celebrated in the month of November, as houses are closed up for […]
black denim jeans on white panel
Take Your Pants for a Walk Day
Take Your Pants for a Walk Day, celebrated on July 27, is a whimsical holiday that encourages everyone to get outside and enjoy a refreshing walk. While the name might bring a smile to your face, the day carries a significant message: prioritize your health and well-being by incorporating more physical activity into your daily routine. Whether you take a leisurely stroll through your neighborhood, explore a new park, or organize a group walk with friends, this fun and light-hearted day is a perfect reminder to enjoy the simple yet impactful benefits of walking.
Common Courtesy Day
Politeness and consideration for others abound on Common Courtesy Day. Say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, hold doors open for others, and consider the feelings and perceptions of those around you throughout the day.
Basketball Day
Play around of basketball today, possibly at midnight