United Nations Day

The anniversary of the entry into force of the United Nations Charter on 24 October 1945

Kite Flying Day
Find a sunny, public open place, and join in with Kite Flying Day! Take a picnic to the park and get competitive, seeing who can fly the highest, the fastest, and the most intricately!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/kite-flying-day/
World Vegan Day
Brandied Fruit Day
When : Always October 20th National Brandied Fruit Day celebrates sweet tasting fruit, soaked and marinated in brandy. This is a day that you have most certainly booked on your calendar, in eager anticipation. Well, it has finally arrived. Brandied fruit...now that's cause for a celebration! As a matter of fact, I'll drink to that. […]
No Dirty Dishes Day
When: Always on May 18th No Dirty Dishes Day is a reprieve from the daily pile of dishes to wash and dry. Day after day, we do the daily chore of washing and drying dishes, then put them away in various cabinets and drawers. We perform this task after each and every meal, and often […]