
Count Your Buttons Day

When : Always October 21th

Count Your Buttons Day is today.  Aren't you excited!? The very first question you must be asking is ""Why!?"" Well, we don't know why. And, it might be better that we don't know.

So here it is, staring you in the face. A wild and wacky day with absolutely no history to define it's purpose for being. One might suggest that the creator of this wacky day, was himself a bit wacky.

How do you celebrate this day? We suggest that if you have nothing better to do, you start counting your buttons. Otherwise, you may choose to move on with your life to something (anything) of greater importance.

Have a happy Count Your Buttons Day !!

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/October/countyourbuttonsday.htm

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