Evaluate Your Life Day

How’s it going? Evaluate Your Life Day is a chance to get reflective, and consider how you’re doing. How’s your career? Your family life? Your relationships? If there’s anything you feel needs a bit of attention, today’s the day to get a plan in place and start making changes!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/evaluate-your-life-day/

Clean Off Your Desk Day
Clean Off Your Desk Day heralds the beginning of some serious spring cleaning. Do you really need all that junk, old paperwork and mess on your desk? If the answer’s no, take the opportunity to do a little tidying!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/clean-off-your-desk-day/
Oatmeal Day
Hippo Day
Bet you didn’t know that Hippo loosely translates to River Horse in ancient Greek. Hippo Day, then, celebrates the third largest mammal on Earth. Why not take some time to waddle in a mud bath, get angry with some tourists, and yawn a lot whilst opening your mouth really-really widely?More Details...All details taken directly from provider […]
Fill Our Staplers Day
Is there anything more annoying in this world than going to use a stapler, only to find it has run out of staples? Yes, yes there is. A huge number of things. However, that does not detract from the fact that it can be extremely annoying, especially if you are at work, under time pressure, […]

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