Every year on February 15th, natives of Tanna Island in the Republic of Vanuatu hold a grand celebration in honor of an imaginary man named John Frum. Villagers clothe themselves in homemade US Army britches, paint ""USA"" on their bare chests and backs, and run a replica of Old Glory up the flagpole alongside the […]
International Kissing Day on July 6 is a celebration of love, affection, and connection around the world. It is a day to spread joy and happiness through a simple yet powerful gesture - a kiss. Whether it's a peck on the cheek, a passionate embrace, or a sweet forehead kiss, International Kissing Day reminds us of the beauty of human connection and the importance of expressing our love for one another. Join us in spreading love and positivity on this special day!
Mitten Tree Day is a holiday for small children but you can enjoy this day at any age! It's the best grade school project when it's cold outside and to keep the kids entertained. Ways to celebrate: Have a Christmas tree (either real or cut out of poster board) and have people donate mittens for […]
An initiative to challenge the epidemic of overwork, over-scheduling and time famine that now threatens our health, our families and relationships, our communities and our environment.