Get Smart About Credit Day

Bankers and members of the credit industry give talks and presentations at schools, colleges and workplaces about the importance of good financial management.

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Take a Hike Day
Take A Hike Day is either about going for an exhilarating walk, or telling somebody to get lost – we’ll leave the interpretation up to you!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
brown wooden canoe near trees
Canoe Day
Canoe Day honors the iconic watercraft known for its simplicity and connection to nature. It's a day to paddle along tranquil waters, explore scenic landscapes, and appreciate the beauty of canoeing.
Innovation Day
Spot a problem, think of a solution, and before you know it you’re innovating! Innovation Day is all about imagining new, better ways of doing things. How will you be innovative?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Start Your Own Country Day
Apparently, as well as Thanksgiving today is National Start Your Own Country Day.  Letâ??s take a moment to bask in the irony that is the term â??nationalâ? in that title. That being done, I officially declare that the title of my country is â??Bunburria.â? (Visitor visas available for those who know what that refers to.)Official animal: […]