Yorkshire Pudding Day

Yorkshire puddings are a savory food, made from a batter mix similar to that used for pancakes, which often accompanies roast beef. Celebrate Yorkshire Pudding Day by organizing a large family meal, and dedicating the bottom shelf of the oven to a delicious tray of big, puffy Yorkshire puddings!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/yorkshire-pudding-day/

Punk for a Day Day
When : Always October 25 Punk for a Day Day is today. Are you a punk? Would you like to be one? Me neither. One might desire to be a Punk Rocker, but not literally a punk. So what then is the reason for this day!? We have absolutely no idea. And, we have found […]
International Banana Festival
Have a banana and be amazed at its goodness
Kiss A Ginger Day
January 12th is (semi-)officially International Kiss A Ginger Day, which means every ginger person you come across on this day you must grab and plant a loving kiss onto immediately.Kiss A Ginger Day was started in 2009 by Derek Forgie as a Facebook group intended as a “karmic counter-event” to the November 2008 creation of […]
Hagfish Day
Hagfish are widely believed to be one of the world’s ugliest living creatures, made even more repugnant by their production of viscous slime as a defense mechanism. Hagfish Day aims to promote understanding that in nature, beauty isn’t everything – and that in fact, the Hagfish is a highly evolved and specialised creature worthy of […]

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