Virus Appreciation Day

Viruses – whether those which affect living organisms, or computer viruses – are clever little things. Sure, they’re annoying, and it’s frustrating that even with all of our protective measures, we still get infected. Virus Appreciation Day is your chance to think about viruses philosophically, and to take a moment to consider how sophisticated, amazing and important viruses are!

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Iris Day
When: Always on May 8th Iris Day celebrates these beautiful and attractive late spring bloomers. With or without a beard, Iris are very popular among homeowners and gardeners. With a little luck, you have Iris blooming in your flower beds today. Celebrate Iris Day by enjoying these great, easy to grow bloomers. If you don't […]
Long Distance Day
A Room Of One’s Own Day
As I write these words, surrounded by yelling children and a bad-tempered spouse with a headache, I can heartily attest to Virginia Woolf’s assertion that in order to write successfully, one needs a room of one’s own. Woolf’s 1928 essay ‘A Room of One’s Own’ was surely the inspiration behind A Room Of One’s Own […]
Margarita Day
Tequila, triple sec and lime juice (and ice) are everything you’ll need to celebrate Margarita Day – that and some good friends, a tropical beach (or luxurious urban apartment) and some delectable nibbles.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at

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