Card Making Day

People give each other cards to celebrate birthdays, weddings, achievements and more, as well as to commiserate or support. But how much does your sentiment mean, if it’s simply bought from a retail chain with little thought? Take some time this Card Making Day and create something heartfelt from scratch, and show the recipient that you’ve really thought about them.

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close up photography of smartphone icons
Social Media Day
Social Media Day celebrates the impact of social media on communication, connectivity, and culture. From connecting with friends and family to sharing news and opinions, social media platforms have revolutionized the way we interact and engage with the world.
Frankenstein Day
The world famous story, Frankenstein, was originally written by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley when she was 21; Frankenstein Day commemorates her birthday, and celebrates all things Frankenstein.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Change A Light Day
Energy saving lightbulbs are generally more efficient, cheaper, and last longer than conventional lightbulbs. Do your bit for the environment, and upgrade your old bulbs to new, energy saving lightbulbs on Change A Light Day.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
National Frappe Day
Celebrate National Frappe Day at your local ice cream or coffee shop for specials on this day by giving yourself a cold espresso fix! About the Frappe: National Frappe Day is celebrated every year in honor of this delicious drink that has become a mainstay in the U.S. Dating back, the frappe drink originated in […]

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