Poetry Day

Poetry Day is a celebration of poetry for everyone, everywhere: from assemblies, bus queues to hospitals and zoos. It’s a day when poetry takes to the streets. It’s a chance for you to use poetry to say things that can’t be said in prose.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/poetry-day/

Landscape Architecture Day
Today in 1822 Frederick Law Olmsted was born, he is the father of landscape architecture
Peanut Butter Day
Who doesn’t love peanut butter? So let’s celebrate Peanut Butter Day. This auspicious occasion was created many years ago, to allow peanut butter lovers to celebrate the creation of this wonderful food.Peanut butter can be eaten and used in many different recipes. I see nothing wrong in sitting down and indulging in a jar of […]
Crush a Can Day
When : September 27th Crush a Can Day is today. How flat can you squish it? After you get done kicking the can around, you get the fun of crushing it too. Use it as a stress reliever to take out all of the frustrations of your day. See how flat you can get it. […]
Area Code Day
Whilst area codes certainly aren’t as important today as they used to be – primarily due to the proliferation of mobile phones – area codes used to be a point of prestige. Area Code Day remembers a bygone era when the evolution of telephone networks meant changing numbers, changing boundary definitions, and how much your […]

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