Johnny Appleseed Day

Johnny Appleseed was a famous American figure who is best known for his planting of apple trees throughout Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. He was a prominent conservationist, business man, and religious figure, and well known and liked for his kindness and generosity. Johnny Appleseed Day commemorates his birth, September 26, 1774.

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Hat Day
Cold head? A great solution might be to wear a hat; and what better opportunity than Hat Day?If you’re short of ideas for what type of hats to wear, check out this great periodic table of hats for inspiration!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
snowflake illustration
Make Cut-out Snowflakes Day
In the heart of winter, when frost adorns the windows and the air is filled with whispers of snow, there's a day that invites us to unleash our inner artists and revel in the magic of creation: Make Cut-out Snowflakes Day. This enchanting holiday holds a rich history and a timeless appeal that continues to […]
Butterscotch Pudding Day
When : Always September 19th National Butterscotch Pudding Day gives us good reason to enjoy a tasty dessert. Okay, so Butterscotch may not be as popular as vanilla or chocolate. But, it sure is good. If you like butterscotch, just the thought of butterscotch pudding has already got your mouth watering in eager anticipation. Like […]
Marzipan Day
Love it or hate it, marzipan plays a big role during the festive period. Chances are youâ??ve got a fair bit left over (including toppings of Christmas cakes and treats), and youâ??ll need something to do with it. Marzipan Day is all about exploring this sweet, yellowish paste of ground almonds, sugar, and egg whites as […]