European Day of Languages

Today was set by the Council of Europe to celebrate linguistic diversity, plurlingualism, and lifelong language learning.

Chocolate Fondue Day
The origins of this holiday are quite mysterious, no one knows who created Chocolate Fondue Day, where it was first celebrated, or why it is celebrated every year. It is one of those bizarre yet funny days that has appeared unannounced on our calendar, inviting us to enjoy a chocolatey celebration: dipping our favorite fruit, […]
Strawberry Ice Cream Day
Red, ripe, juicy strawberries churned and frozen with some fresh cream and a bit of sugar is all that is needed to make a delicious strawberry ice cream. And as itâ??s Strawberry Ice Cream Day, you donâ??t need to be named Ben or Jerry to celebrate â?? everyone can enjoy a bowlful!Variations of ice cream […]
Nothing Like A Dame Day
Nothing is likely to inject a little sunshine and gaudiness into someone’s day more effectively than Nothing Like a Dame Day.This celebration of big, brash, smiling-through-the-pain ladies of the theatre, gives even those of a straight-laced nature the opportunity to grab a boa, glue on some spidery lashes, and sashay like Carol Channing, Judy Garland, […]
Peach Melba Day
A person has just got to love a ripe, juicy peach! What better way to celebrate one aspect of this lovely fruit than with Peach Melba Day?The classic dessert Peach Melba was created for and named after the very slim opera singer Nellie Melba. Here’s some food trivia: when Nellie gained weight later in life, […]