
Elephant Appreciation Day

Buy some peanuts for your favourite elephant. For all those who will join together on September 22nd to honoring the largest land animal in world.

When : September 22

Elephant Appreciation Day is today. Show us how much you care about elephants. This is a big, elephant sized day. We feel it should be celebrated in a big way.

Little kids and big kids are fascinated by elephants. In a zoo, in the circus, or a wildlife special on television, elephants captivate us by their sheer size. Today is your chance to let them see that you appreciate them.  Showing your appreciation for them starts with a visit to your local zoo. They will be happy to see you. Making a donation towards their support, is a great way to show your appreciation.  

Here's a neat suggestion. .....Show elephants at your local zoo how much you love them, by serving them a special treat. They like pumpkins! They like big pumpkins.

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