International Eat An Apple Day

Apples contain no fat, and contain cholestoral-fighting compounds. That’s almost reason enough to love apples, but Eat An Apple Day goes even further to encourage you to celebrate all things apple related. Bake a pie, make a tart, enjoy a crumble or a simple, crunchy fruit treat. Why not take enough apples with you to share at work, at school, or with friends? Alternatively, expand your palette and enjoy something slightly different from the many varieties and types of apples available from around the world.

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Name Your Car Day
When : Always October 2 Name Your Car Day is today. Does your car have a name? Lots of people name their cars. People with big boats, name their boat, and we think nothing of it. So, why not name your car or truck!? Every carhas character and personality. We spend a lot of time […]
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Cow Day
Cow Day - June 18 Honoring the humble and hardworking cow! Facts About Cow Day June 18 is Cow Day, a day to celebrate and appreciate cows and their contributions to agriculture, food production, and culture. Cows play a vital role in many societies, and Cow Day is a time to recognize their importance. The […]
Chocolate Cake Day
Sticky, gooey, creamy chocolate. Soft, moist and delicious cake. Put them together, and celebrate Chocolate Cake Day! From chocolate cream buns to a whopping great gateaux, today is the day to indulge!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
brown metal playground during golden hour
Merry-Go-Round Day
**Merry-Go-Round Day**, celebrated on **July 25**, is a whimsical holiday that honors the classic amusement park ride that has brought joy to countless children and adults alike. This day commemorates the enchanting carousel, with its beautifully crafted horses and cheerful music, evoking nostalgic memories of carefree fun. Whether you take a spin on a merry-go-round, visit a local amusement park, or simply reminisce about childhood rides, Merry-Go-Round Day is a delightful occasion to celebrate the simple pleasures of this timeless attraction.

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