International Eat An Apple Day

Apples contain no fat, and contain cholestoral-fighting compounds. That’s almost reason enough to love apples, but Eat An Apple Day goes even further to encourage you to celebrate all things apple related. Bake a pie, make a tart, enjoy a crumble or a simple, crunchy fruit treat. Why not take enough apples with you to share at work, at school, or with friends? Alternatively, expand your palette and enjoy something slightly different from the many varieties and types of apples available from around the world.

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Wonderful Weirdos Day
Nothing’s quite as dull as being normal, boring and average. Celebrate being weird, and celebrate the weirdos in your life on Wonderful Weirdos Day. Make an effort to be weird by dressing weirdly, doing weird things and encouraging weirdness with your friends and in the workplace!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
National Anthem Day
A day for enjoying a good, patriot sing-a-long, National Anthem Day encourages you to sing your own national anthem, but also to learn those of other countries. How many do you know?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Blueberry Pie Day
What could be more enjoyable than a slice of, delicious, Blueberry pie? Blueberries, or star berries as the Native Americans called them, are one of nature’s super foods. The humble blueberry is one of few blue foods, found in nature, and it is native to the Americas. The chemicals found in blueberries may contribute to […]
brown wooden blocks with message on a white surface
Let It Go Day
Let It Go Day encourages us to release our burdens, worries, and anxieties, allowing ourselves to embrace freedom and peace of mind. It's a reminder to let go of negativity and focus on living in the present moment.

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