Video Games Day

Video games represent one of the largest and fastest growing entertainment industries – from consoles and hardware, to games and accessories, and even to the music, artwork and dialogue in games, video games are a huge part of modern life. Video Games Day reminds us that video games are still a very new creation; if you’re a video game fan or a hardcore player, take a moment to be awed by the rate of progress – and if you’re not a video games person, why not take this day to give it a go?

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Pack Your Lunch Day
Many of us buy lunch everyday at work or school, rather than taking 10 minutes in the morning or the night before to make our own. Pack Your Lunch Day celebrates the humble homemade lunch, whether it’s a sandwich, leftovers, sushi or something altogether different.The advantages of packing your own lunch are obvious: you can […]
Buzzard Day
Babe Ruth Day
Babe Ruth Day honors one of Baseball's greatest players ever. On April 27, 1947, Babe Ruth attended Yankee Stadium for Babe Ruth Day. It was to be the second last time he was at the stadium. In 1946, Babe Ruth was diagnosed with Throat Cancer. Back then, there was not as much treatment as there […]
Weights and Measures Day
Metric or Imperial, which are you?

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