cheerful young woman screaming into megaphone

Hollerin’ Contest Day

June 20th marks Hollerin' Contest Day, a unique and quirky holiday that celebrates the tradition of hollerin', a form of communication and entertainment characterized by loud, sustained, and melodious vocalizations.


Hollerin' Contest Day originated in the rural communities of the Southern United States, where hollerin' served as a practical means of long-distance communication among farmers and workers in the fields.

Interesting Facts

  • The National Hollerin' Contest, held annually in Spivey's Corner, North Carolina, is one of the most well-known hollerin' events, attracting participants from around the world.
  • Hollerin' Contest Day celebrates the cultural heritage and folk traditions of the American South, showcasing the unique art form of hollerin' and its importance in rural communities.
  • Contestants in hollerin' competitions are judged based on factors such as volume, clarity, creativity, and overall performance, with winners receiving prizes and recognition for their skills.
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