plenty of orange lobsters

National Lobster Day

Date: June 13

National Lobster Day is a day to celebrate one of the ocean's most luxurious and delicious offerings: the lobster. This day is perfect for indulging in various lobster dishes and appreciating the culinary delight that lobsters provide.


National Lobster Day was established to honor the lobster industry and its contributions to the culinary world. Lobsters have been a prized delicacy for centuries, and this day highlights their significance, particularly in coastal communities where lobstering is a vital part of the economy.

Interesting Information

  • Lobsters were once considered a poor man's food and were commonly fed to prisoners and servants in the 1800s.
  • There are two main types of lobsters: the cold-water lobster, known for its claws, and the warm-water spiny lobster, which lacks claws.
  • The largest lobster ever recorded weighed over 44 pounds and was caught off the coast of Nova Scotia in 1977.
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