a man juggling pins in the air

National Juggling Day

Date: June 13

National Juggling Day celebrates the art and skill of juggling. This day is dedicated to all those who enjoy performing or watching the mesmerizing act of keeping multiple objects in the air at once.


National Juggling Day was created to promote and celebrate juggling as both an art form and a sport. The day recognizes the dexterity, concentration, and creativity required to juggle. It also serves to encourage people of all ages to try their hand at juggling, whether as a hobby or a professional pursuit.

Interesting Information

  • Juggling has been practiced since ancient times, with evidence found in Egyptian tombs dating back to 1994 B.C.
  • The world record for the most objects juggled is 11 balls, held by Alex Barron.
  • Juggling is not only fun but also a great way to improve hand-eye coordination and concentration.
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