clear wine glass with lemon juice

National Iced Tea Day

National Iced Tea Day: A Refreshing Celebration

On June 10th, tea lovers across the United States raise their glasses to celebrate National Iced Tea Day. This beloved beverage has a long and storied history, making it a fitting subject for its own holiday.

The origins of iced tea can be traced back to the 19th century, when tea merchants began promoting their product as a refreshing summer drink. However, it wasn't until the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, that iced tea gained widespread popularity. During the sweltering summer heat, Richard Blechynden, a tea plantation owner, was struggling to attract visitors to his booth. In a stroke of genius, he poured his hot tea over ice, creating a refreshing beverage that quickly became a hit with fairgoers.

Since then, iced tea has become a staple of American culture, enjoyed year-round but particularly cherished during the hot summer months. It's estimated that Americans consume billions of gallons of iced tea each year, making it one of the most popular beverages in the country.

One of the great things about iced tea is its versatility. Whether you prefer it sweetened or unsweetened, flavored with lemon or mint, or spiked with a splash of alcohol, there's a variation of iced tea to suit every taste.

So, how can you celebrate National Iced Tea Day? You could start by brewing up a batch of your favorite iced tea recipe and enjoying it with friends and family. Or you could venture out to your local tea shop or café and sample some of their specialty iced teas. However you choose to celebrate, be sure to raise a glass to this beloved beverage on June 10th!

Do you have a favorite iced tea recipe or memory associated with this refreshing drink? Share it with us in the comments below!

Happy National Iced Tea Day!

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