As the Roald Dahl Day website explains:The official Roald Dahl Day takes place every year on 13 September, on the birthday of the World’s No. 1 Storyteller. In 2012 we are celebrating 30 years of the swizzfiggling Big Friendly Giant. The BFG is famous for catching, creating and making dreams come true.Why not enjoy a […]
Eat a Red Apple Day: A Crisp Celebration of Nature’s Perfect Snack
In a world of increasingly processed foods and complex dietary trends, Eat a Red Apple Day celebrates the elegant simplicity of one of nature's most perfect snacks. It reminds us that sometimes the best things in life are also the simplest – like the satisfying crunch of a fresh, red apple.
World Snow Day is the second phase of the 'Bring Children to the Snow' campaign. World Snow Day looks beyond the FIS membership to the wider snow sports community. It seeks to motivate children aged from 4-14 by encouraging all stakeholders to celebrate all things snow around the world simultaneously. In short, World Snow Day […]
Ninja Day (or the Day Of The Ninja) is all about dressing in dark, ninja-themed clothing, sneaking up on your friends, and living like a ninja. Why not buy a ninja outfit and a ninja mask, and see how stealthily you can behave at home, work or school?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content […]