Pizza Party Day

‘Mmm, pizzaaaa!’ as Joey Tribbiani from ‘Friends’ might once have said, or was it Michelangelo from ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’? Anyway, there is clearly nothing more delicious than a large pizza with its doughy yet crisp base, and its choice variety of savoury toppings, tenderly amalgamated with molten cheese, onion and pepper.

Here are some ideas on how you might mark Pizza Party Day:

  • Have your own pizza party and invite all your friends to your house to make their own pizzas or at least choose their own toppings. Inexpensive and fun!
  • Visit a local pizza restaurant, ideally one where the chefs toss the pizza dough about in front of you, for an authentic Italian pizza-eating experience.
  • Spend the day meditating about great pizzas you have enjoyed in the past, maybe compiling an all-time top ten of your favourite toppings.

Buon appetito!

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