Blame Somebody Else Day

A super excuse which your colleagues/ pals are gonna love.

Grammar Day
Celebrate Grammar Day by crossing your I’s, dotting your T’s, and making sure that you’re correctly punctuating and structuring your sentences. Watch those apostrophes!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Humiliation Day
When : Always January 3rd Humiliation Day is not a day to humiliate someone. Rather, it should be viewed as a time to recognize the negativity of humiliating someone, or a group of people. Perhaps too many people associate humbleness with humility. So, they think today is a day to be humble. Being humble is […]
World Tourism Day
Today the world is on Holiday, be sure to lock your doors
Button Day
When : Always November 16th Button Day is a fun day to collect, use, and just enjoy buttons. Button come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colors and designs. There is an amazingly endless variety of buttons for your collection. But, wait a minute.... is that the meaning of this day!? Maybe, the purpose of […]