Fatigue Syndrome Day

When: Always on May 12th

Fatigue Syndrome Day is quite a tiring day.

Today recognizes the fact that sometimes life is just too tiring. Perhaps you're tired because you are not getting enough sleep. Perhaps, you're stressed out. Some people experience chronic fatigue from worrying, or due to problems. These are all common causes of persistent fatigue. Whatever the cause, use today to identify it, and to correct it.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is actually a disorder. If you are always tired or fatigued, perhaps its time to visit your general practitioner!? Use today to place that call, and to make an appointment.

Suggested Activities for Today:

  • Go right back to bed
  • Take a nap
  • Take a siesta
  • Use up a vacation day
  • Cancel activities for the day
  • Get the picture, get into the day!

Did you Know? Lack of exercise can contribute to fatigue.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/May/fatiguesyndromeday.htm

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