World Lupus Day

World Lupus Day aims to raise awareness of a disease that is little known, but can have devastating effects on sufferers and their families. Lupis is a chronic disease that causes the immune system to become overactive, creating antibodies that attack healthy tissue. Lupus can cause pain, inflammation and damage in any part of the body and can be fatal. There is currently no known cure and around five million people suffer from lupus world-wide.

Lupus Day was first observed in 2004. It was organised by lupus organisations from thirteen countries, who called for governments to increase funding for research, provide better patient services, increase epidemiological data and raise awareness.

Lupus Day is associated with the colour purple, and people can show support by wearing purple clothing or buying special wristbands with the phrase ‘Help Us Solve the Cruel Mystery.’ A high profile supporter of World Lupus Day is Julian Lennon, who is a Global Ambassador.

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