Train Day

Train Day which celebrates all things trains! From enthusiasts about the humble begininnings of locomotive transport to engineers developing the future of rail travel, groups across the USA gather for events, celebration, education and discovery.

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space shuttle launch during nighttime
Rocket Day
Rocket Day commemorates humanity's fascination with space exploration and the remarkable achievements of rocket technology. From the launch of Sputnik to the moon landing, rockets have played a crucial role in expanding our understanding of the universe. Take this day to learn more about the history of rocketry and celebrate the ingenuity of those who dare to reach for the stars.
image of president on american dollar bill
Presidential Joke Day
Presidential Joke Day on August 11th serves as a reminder that even in the halls of power, humor has its place. It celebrates the wit, charm, and occasional levity exhibited by presidents throughout American history, offering a refreshing break from the complexities of political discourse. As we commemorate this day each year, we not only honor the presidents who have entertained us with their humor but also recognize the enduring appeal of laughter as a unifying force in society.
Tester’s day
On September, 9 1945 the scientists of the Harvard University while testing the computer Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator have found a moth which has got stuck between the contacts of the electromechanical relay. The work they performed required some description, and the word has been found – «debugging» (literally: disposal of an insect) – […]
Pencil Day

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