Nurses Day

When :

  • May 6-12: National Nurse's Week
  • May 8: National Student Nurses Day
  • May 6th: National Nurses Day
  • Wednesday of Nurse's Week: School Nurses Day
  • May 12: International Nurse's Day
  • November 14: Operating Room Nurse Day


National Nurses Week, and a number of specific Nurses Days during this week, provides recognition to nurses for their contributions and commitment to quality health care. It brings awareness to the importance of nurses in the care , comfort, and well being of all of us, and especially our children and the aging, and those in poor health.

Origin of Nurses Day:

The roots of International Nurses Day goes back to 1953, when Dorothy Sutherland of the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare sent a proposal to President Eisenhower to proclaim a ""Nurse Day"" in October of the following year. The proclamation was not officially made. But, this day was born and eventually gained national recognition.

International Nurse Day is celebrated on May 12, because this it's the birthday of Florence Nightingale.

In 2003, National School Nurses Day was moved from the  fourth Wednesday in January to the Wednesday of Nurses Week. Many websites, still record School Nurses Day in January, unaware of this change.

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