Petite And Proud Day

For all people under 5’4″, you have a day where you can be petite and proud! Are you tired of people making derogatory comments about your size, such as: half pint, vertically challenged or titch? Petite And Proud Day is all about celebrating our lack of height and the advantages it brings. For example, we can squeeze into small spaces, we don’t bang our heads on low ceilings and we can fit in children’s’ clothing, which saves us money! Apparently short people live longer than their lankier counterparts, which is definitely worth celebrating.

Also, there are more petite celebrities than you might think, the following people are all 5’4″ or under: Nathalie Portman, Kylie Minogue, Michael J Fox, Seth Green, Amy Poehler, Reese Witherspoon and Eva Longoria. Why not celebrate being petite with a petite and proud party, by posting an affirming message on Facebook or by making a quirky badge?

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