Space Day

Learn something about outerspace today

photo of a topless woman
Nude Day
Nude Day on July 14th is a unique and fun celebration of body positivity and self-expression. It's a day to embrace your natural self, shed inhibitions, and celebrate the beauty of the human body in all its forms. Whether you choose to participate in private or public settings, Nude Day encourages individuals to feel comfortable in their own skin and promote acceptance and diversity. So, on July 14th, why not dare to bare and enjoy the liberating experience of Nude Day!
You’re Welcome Day
When: Day after Thanksgiving You're Welcome Day encourages us to simply say ""You're welcome"". It helps to put manners back into society. This very special day comes the day after Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving Day we say ""Thanks"" for what we have.  So, it only seems natural, that ""You're Welcome"" immediately follows a thank you. Participating […]
Have a Party with Your Bear Day
When : Always November 16th Is your Teddy Bear a real ""party bear""? Hopefully he is, because today is Have a Party With Your Bear Day. And, what a swell day it is going to be! You get to have a party. And, you get to spend time with your Teddy Bear. I bet you […]
Hug an Australian Day
Hug An Australian Day is an annual event that was founded by Thomas and Ruth Roy of the website.Though the origins of this event are unclear, Hug An Australian Day has quickly become popular over the last few years, and is celebrated by sending the likes of greeting cards and e-cards to Aussie friends.Event […]