No Pants Day

Feeling constrained by your clothing, relaxing in the privacy of your own home, and wanting to feel the breeze on your bare legs? No Pants Day is the perfect opportunity to brandish your pasty white ankled, and to liberate you legs!

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Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day
For all sandwich lovers of the Joey Tribbiani level, Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day cannot come often enough. Every year on January 14, we pay homage to the wonderful sandwich-pioneers who brought this smoked meat classic, and celebrate in kind. Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day should be celebrated by a gathering of your closest friends and family, […]
Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day
Feeling mischievous? Step In A Puddle And Splash Your Friends Day gives you an excuse to have some fun or even get revenge by jumping in puddles and splashing your friends (pretty self-explanatory). Don’t forget to wear wellies!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
elderly woman wearing apron
Old Maid’s Day
June 4th is Old Maid's Day, a lighthearted celebration that embraces the spirit of independence and resilience. This day encourages individuals to embrace their single status or to celebrate the strength and wisdom that comes with age.
Christmas Card Day
When : Always December 9 Christmas Card Day, honors Sir Henry Cole (1818 - 1874) of England. Cole created the first commercial Christmas Card in 1843. Just a few decades ago, sending Christmas cards through the mail was a holiday ""must"". Sending cards through the mail continues to be very popular. The cost and time for […]

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