Beat Up a White Kid Day

Beat Up a White Kid Day is the colloquial name for racially motivated attacks occurring on May 1stin which Negroes, Mestizos, and other people of color randomly seek out European American (Caucasian) children and attack them. The phenomenon was first publicized by Cleveland, Ohio newspapers in 1993 following the national appeal for calm by Rodney King during the 1992 Los Angeles riots.[1] These attacks occur on May 1st, and are most often associated with school age children. The institutional nature of the May 1st assaults were recognized in a 2003 U.S. court proceeding in which an Ohio judge concluded that ""based on the evidence I've heard, May Day is reality and the evidence was overwhelming that this was an attack based on May Day and that the victim was chosen because she was white.""[2]
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Play God Day
Our research did not discover any information on the meaning or purpose of this day. What we do know ,is that God is good. Therefore, we believe that Play God Day is a day to do something good and extra special. To mark this day, we suggest that you do something good that will make […]
For Pete’s Sake Day
Oh, for Pete’s sake! Not another pointless holiday?For Pete’s Sake Day celebrates one example of a ‘minced oath’, where an offensive word or phrase is substituted by something more acceptable in society. Other examples include ‘For crying out loud!’, and ‘Sugar!’. Such euphemisms have been used for centuries whenever people hit thumbs with hammers, burn […]
Plant a Flower Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 12th Plant a Flower Day is a day to get a little dirt under your fingernails. Take a few minutes to plant a flower today. Gardening is a great hobby. It's enjoyed by millions of people, old and young alike. Its a hobby that virtually everyone can participate in, […]
Cat Day
Cat Day encourages the celebration, worship and adoration of cats, in the same way that human cultures have since the dawn of civilization. Why not adopt and look after a rescue cat, or simply spend some quality time with your favorite moggy to celebrate?Don't forget to give your cat a treat!More Details...All details taken directly from provider […]