What could be more enjoyable than a slice of, delicious, Blueberry pie? Blueberries, or star berries as the Native Americans called them, are one of nature’s super foods. The humble blueberry is one of few blue foods, found in nature, and it is native to the Americas. The chemicals found in blueberries may contribute to fighting diseases and preventing against certain cancers. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, it’s only fitting that we should have a special day, in the form of Blueberry Pie Day, to celebrate them.
Americans have been enjoying blueberry pies for years and there is no shortage of scrumptious recipes on the internet. Why not have your own blueberry pie celebration by making a pie, or eating blueberry themed dishes? As well as using traditional blueberry pie recipes, why not experiment with some new ones? Adding ricotta cheese to the filling, will add a creamy twist to the pie or adding black pepper, combined with warm spices, will give your pie a real kick!
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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/blueberry-pie-day/