Morse Code Day

Morse Code Day commemorates the birth of the inventor of the Morse Code – Samuel Morse in 1791.

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Root Canal Appreciation Day
Tooth pain is not a laughing matter, and for anyone who has experienced that discomfort prior to having treatment from an endodontist, Root Canal Appreciation Day is a big, big event. For teeth that have been damaged or irritated to the point of infection, the root canal procedure not only prevents worsening or abscess, it […]
man and woman kiss each other
National Kissing Day
June 22nd is National Kissing Day, a day dedicated to celebrating the romantic and affectionate act of kissing. Whether it's a peck on the cheek or a passionate embrace, this holiday encourages people to express their love and appreciation through the simple gesture of a kiss.
Amateur Radio Day
Amateur Radio Day celebrates the beginings of the IARU – the International Amateur Radio Union – back in 1925. They are best recognised for their contribution to disaster relief workers in areas where communications are little to non-existent.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Chocolate-Covered Cashew Truffle Day
Not a true nut, a cashew is actually a seed from the cashew apple — each fruit has only one seed. Source:

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